Leo Auri

Deutscher Kindertheaterpreis 2020

Paul Dill and I composed music for the Deutscher Kindertheaterpreis 2020 (German Children’s Theatre Prize).

I produced the recordings, Irene Cortina created video, Lydia Dimitrow acted as dramaturg and Charlotte Birkenhauer played Vibraphone.

The pieces shortlisted for the prizes were:
– „Rishi“ by Kees Roorda
– „Freie Wahl“ by Esther Rölz
– „Absprung“ by Rabiah Hussain
– „Liebe Grüße … oder Wohin das Leben fällt“ by Theo Fransz
– „Wer nicht träumt, ist selbst ein Traum“ by Jens Raschke
– „Wutschweiger“ by Jan Sobrie und Raven Ruëll

Additionally „Bis sie verschwinden im reifen Weizen“ by Katharina Kern, „Kill Baby“ by Ivana Sokola and „Aschewolken“ by Lisa Wentz were given special mention.

This prizes were awarded by the Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KJTZ) and the deutsche Vertretung der Internationalen Vereinigung des Theaters für Kinder und Jugendliche (ASSITEJ e.V. Deutschland).

Der satan­archäo­lügenialko­höllische Wunschpunsch, Puppentheater Halle

I made music/sound for the beautiful Michael Ende piece Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch, directed by Ivana Sajevic and premiering on 28th November 2015 at Puppentheater Halle.

The piece mixed 3D animation & multimedia elements, human actors, and puppets, and was played by Franziska Rattay, Sylvia Werner, Nico Parisius and Christian Sengewald.

I’ve made an “album” of the music I made for this piece:

There’s some more information on the Puppentheater Halle website.

Athol Fugard’s Blood Knot, Platypus Theater

I made music for the Platypus Theater production of Athol Fugard’s Blood Knot, directed by Kenneth Phillips and played by Peter Scollin, Thabo Thindi and Tom Pawlak, and now I’ve released it in “Album” format via Bandcamp:

Noh Plus – Noh theatre experiment with Black Milk Impulses

Improvisations to Noh theatre with intermittent original sound.

Gianpaolo Camplese – drums
Leo Auri – laptop

Our five minute trailer version for the uninitiated:

And for dedicated fans and Noh nuts, treat yourself to the full version via vimeo.

The Call, Platypus Theater

I wrote and produced music for The Call, a play written by Peter Scollin, directed by Anja Scollin, played by Amy Nye, Ben Maddox and Oskar Brown, and premiering on the 9th December, 2011. I’ve now converted it into an “album” and released it over Bandcamp:

The piece was nominated for the IKARUS – der Berliner Theaterpreis für herausragende Inszenierungen von Berliner Theatern für Kinder und Jugendliche.